Package org.mozilla.javascript

Interface Summary
Callable Generic notion of callable object that can execute some script-related code upon request with specified values for script scope and this objects.
ClassShutter Embeddings that wish to filter Java classes that are visible to scripts through the LiveConnect, should implement this interface.
ContextAction Interface to represent arbitrary action that requires to have Context object associated with the current thread for its execution.
ContextFactory.Listener Listener of Context creation and release events.
ContextListener Deprecated. Embeddings that wish to customize newly created Context instances should implement ContextFactory.Listener.
ErrorReporter This is interface defines a protocol for the reporting of errors during JavaScript translation or execution.
Evaluator Abstraction of evaluation, which can be implemented either by an interpreter or compiler.
Function This is interface that all functions in JavaScript must implement.
GeneratedClassLoader Interface to define classes from generated byte code.
IdFunctionCall Master for id-based functions that knows their properties and how to execute them.
RefCallable Object that can allows assignments to the result of function calls.
RegExpProxy A proxy for the regexp package, so that the regexp package can be loaded optionally.
Script All compiled scripts implement this interface.
Scriptable This is interface that all objects in JavaScript must implement.
ScriptRuntime.MessageProvider This is an interface defining a message provider.
Wrapper Objects that can wrap other values for reflection in the JS environment will implement Wrapper.

Class Summary
BaseFunction The base class for Function objects See ECMA 15.3.
BoundFunction The class for results of the Function.bind operation EcmaScript 5 spec,
ClassCache Cache of generated classes and data structures to access Java runtime from JavaScript.
ConsString This class represents a string composed of two components, each of which may be a java.lang.String or another ConsString.
Context This class represents the runtime context of an executing script.
ContextFactory Factory class that Rhino runtime uses to create new Context instances.
Decompiler The following class save decompilation information about the source.
DefiningClassLoader Load generated classes.
Delegator This is a helper class for implementing wrappers around Scriptable objects.
IdScriptableObject Base class for native object implementation that uses IdFunctionObject to export its methods to script via .prototype object.
ImporterTopLevel Class ImporterTopLevel This class defines a ScriptableObject that can be instantiated as a top-level ("global") object to provide functionality similar to Java's "import" statement.
InterfaceAdapter Adapter to use JS function as implementation of Java interfaces with single method or multiple methods with the same signature.
IRFactory This class rewrites the parse tree into an IR suitable for codegen.
Kit Collection of utilities
LazilyLoadedCtor Avoid loading classes unless they are used.
NativeArray This class implements the Array native object.
NativeCall This class implements the activation object.
NativeFunction This class implements the Function native object.
NativeGenerator This class implements generator objects.
NativeGlobal This class implements the global native object (function and value properties only).
NativeIterator This class implements iterator objects.
NativeJavaArray This class reflects Java arrays into the JavaScript environment.
NativeJavaClass This class reflects Java classes into the JavaScript environment, mainly for constructors and static members.
NativeJavaConstructor This class reflects a single Java constructor into the JavaScript environment.
NativeJavaMethod This class reflects Java methods into the JavaScript environment and handles overloading of methods.
NativeJavaObject This class reflects non-Array Java objects into the JavaScript environment.
NativeJavaPackage This class reflects Java packages into the JavaScript environment.
NativeJavaTopPackage This class reflects Java packages into the JavaScript environment.
NativeJSON This class implements the JSON native object.
NativeObject This class implements the Object native object.
NativeWith This class implements the object lookup required for the with statement.
Node This class implements the root of the intermediate representation.
NodeTransformer This class transforms a tree to a lower-level representation for codegen.
ObjArray Implementation of resizable array with focus on minimizing memory usage by storing few initial array elements in object fields.
ObjToIntMap Map to associate objects to integers.
Parser This class implements the JavaScript parser.
PolicySecurityController A security controller relying on Java Policy in effect.
Ref Generic notion of reference object that know how to query/modify the target objects based on some property/index.
RhinoSecurityManager A java.lang.SecurityManager subclass that provides access to the current top-most script class on the execution stack.
ScriptableObject This is the default implementation of the Scriptable interface.
ScriptRuntime This is the class that implements the runtime.
ScriptStackElement This class represents an element on the script execution stack.
SecurityController This class describes the support needed to implement security.
Synchronizer This class provides support for implementing Java-style synchronized methods in Javascript.
Token This class implements the JavaScript scanner.
TopLevel A top-level scope object that provides special means to cache and preserve the initial values of the built-in constructor properties for better ECMAScript compliance.
UintMap Map to associate non-negative integers to objects or integers.
Undefined This class implements the Undefined value in JavaScript.
UniqueTag Class instances represent serializable tags to mark special Object values.
WrapFactory Embeddings that wish to provide their own custom wrappings for Java objects may extend this class and call Context.setWrapFactory(WrapFactory) Once an instance of this class or an extension of this class is enabled for a given context (by calling setWrapFactory on that context), Rhino will call the methods of this class whenever it needs to wrap a value resulting from a call to a Java method or an access to a Java field.

Enum Summary
TopLevel.Builtins An enumeration of built-in ECMAScript objects.

Exception Summary
ContinuationPending Exception thrown by Context.executeScriptWithContinuations(Script, Scriptable) and Context.callFunctionWithContinuations(Callable, Scriptable, Object[]) when execution encounters a continuation captured by Context.captureContinuation().
EcmaError The class of exceptions raised by the engine as described in ECMA edition 3.
EvaluatorException The class of exceptions thrown by the JavaScript engine.
JavaScriptException Java reflection of JavaScript exceptions.
RhinoException The class of exceptions thrown by the JavaScript engine.
WrappedException A wrapper for runtime exceptions.